Princeton Consultants Optimization Principal Dr. Irv Lustig has been nominated for the position of Vice President of Marketing, Communications, and Outreach (VPMCO) for INFORMS. The election will take place this summer. The volunteer role includes serving as an advocate for INFORMS and as a trusted O.R. and Analytics subject matter expert, as well as speaking about INFORMS and technical subject matters with external audiences, including decision-makers in government and other organizations and businesses.
Irv said, “I’m honored to be nominated for VP of Marketing, Communications and Outreach for INFORMS in the next election cycle. I look forward to sharing my views on how INFORMS can achieve its strategic goal of how we can best champion our profession and our brand.”
An INFORMS Fellow, Irv is a board member of the INFORMS Practice Section and a member of the INFORMS Practice Strategy committee. He is a judge for the 2023 Franz Edelman Award, which honors the most extraordinary, impactful initiatives powered by operations research and advanced analytics, having been a coach previously; he was entered as an Edelman Laureate in 2022 with Princeton Consultants and the US Census Bureau. Irv is a past Chair of the INFORMS Industry Engagement and Outreach Committee; past Chair of the INFORMS Computing Society; and a past associate editor of several INFORMS journals. He received the INFORMS Volunteer Service Award in 2017. Irv is an INFORMS Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) and served on the committee that established the CAP content.
To advance the practice of Analytics, Irv conducts workshops and tutorials at INFORMS conferences and for a variety of industry audiences; publishes articles and blog posts; gives interviews for podcasts and magazines; and contributes code as a member of the Python pandas core team.
At Princeton Consultants, Irv leads the development of custom AI and optimization software solutions, as well as analytics advisory services including model review and validation. Previously, Irv was an early employee of CPLEX Optimization Inc., a software start-up creating and selling commercial optimization tools that quickly became the industry leader. In 1997 CPLEX was acquired by ILOG, and Irv led or managed Technical Services, Product Management, and ILOG Direct. In 2008 ILOG was acquired by IBM and Irv continued to expand his career as a leader on both the product and sales sides and for IBM Research, investigating and developing state-of-the-art approaches for the next generation of optimization/business integration.
Irv received Sc.B. and Sc.M. degrees in Applied Mathematics/Computer Science from Brown University and a Ph.D. in Operations Research from Stanford University, where he studied under George Dantzig, the father of linear programming. A former Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering and Operations Research at Princeton University, he has authored more than 30 articles and scientific papers and received the Beale—Orchard-Hays prize for excellence in computational mathematical programming.
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